Year 2008 Hasbro Transformers Universe Classic Series Ultra Class 9 Inch Electronic Figure - Autobot SILVERBOLT with Lights and Sounds (Fighter Jet)
Product Features
- Includes: Autobot SILVERBOLT with Lights and Sounds (Fighter Jet)
- Silverbolt figure measured approximately 9 inch tall
- Fire the launching "electrostatic bolt" projectile in detailed robot mode
- Produced in year 2008
- For age 5 and up
Product Description
As the leader of an elite group of Autobot warriors known as the Aerialbots, Silverbolt shoulders a great deal of responsibility. He is a careful planner who never risks the lives of any of his men, unless it is absolutely necessary. All his care, however, hides a deeply insecure nature. Optimus Prime actually put Silverbolt in such a stressful position largely to distract him from his paralyzing fear of heights; a weakness he hopes the other Aerialbots never discover. He is a capable leader nonetheless, and has honed the Aerialbots into one of the finest Autobot units in the Universe.
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